sobota, 23 marca 2013

Unreal sience

last week I was thinking about maths. It is kind of uninspectable siences. You can olnly imagine numbers, there is no tuchable inerpretation.
Just imagination.
Fe. can you tuch function like sinus x?
I thing it can only be shown in imagine space.

poniedziałek, 18 marca 2013

Recenzo: "Eragon"

realy big part of non-real is reading.
There are many fine novels, so I can't read them all. I 'll take care to reviev all read books to you.
So, let'start:
I have read awsome novel. It's called "Eragon". It isnt very new book. It is about young boy, that findes a strange stone. Then he realizes that it is no stone, but dragon's egg...
The book is very intresting. The style whitch is used to write book is amaizing. No one will think fiveteen-years-old boy wrote it. While you will be finnishing the story, you woll wanna read next part of the saga.
I hope you will like it!

niedziela, 17 marca 2013


in this post I wanna tell you something about deck buliding. It's one of the most useful skills in the game. The good deck is bedrock of good game. You deck must contain with al least 71 cards:
1. Ring-berer and The One Ring
Total: 2
2. Nine-site-includig adventure path
Total: 11
3. Shadow deck, at least 30 cards.
Total: at least 41
4. Fellowship deck, numbr of cards equel with number of cards in shadow deck
Total: at least 71.

Done deck

Simply about rules

this time I wanna post about LoTR TCG.
I thing most of you havn't read rules yet, so I wanna simply explain them.
1. Prefer for trip!
This phase is the first one. You bid how many burdes you wanna add to choose who is starting. Then you seclect companions of your starting fellowship (their twilight cost shoud be 4 or fewer).
2. Fellowship
This time you may play fellowship events, conditins, items and companions or allies adding a number of thilight tokens equel with its thilight cost (the number in left-upper corner)
This time you may not play any actions. This time your opponent's playing shadow cards, conditions, events and minions.
4. Manuver
In this phase you may perform manuver actions (with keyword "MANUVER") adding or removing number of twilight tokens equel with twilight cost of card played.
5. Archery
As same as in manuver phase you may perform archery actions (with keyword "ARCHERY") adding or removing number of twilight tokens equel with thilight cos of card played.
ARCHERY PHASE ENDS WITH ARCHERY FIRE (you or your opponent have to wound minions a number of times equel with the fellowship or minion archery total)!
6. Assigment
In this phase you may perform manuver actions (with keyword "ASSIGMENT") adding or removing number of twilight tokens equel with twilight cost of card played.
This turn ends with assigning minions to skirmish companions.
7. Skirmish
In this phase your companions are skirmishing minions. You may perform  skirmish actions (with keyword "SKIRMISH") adding or removing number of twilight tokens equel with twilight cost of card played. The winner of skirmish is character with the highest strenght. If there is a draw, minion wins.
8. Regrup
ou may perform regrup actions (with keyword "REGRUP") adding or removing number of twilight tokens equel with twilight cost of card played. At the of phase you must:
a) discard cards to have 8 cards on hand
b) draw cards to have 8 cars on hand
Before b-action you may discard one card from hand to draw more crads.

This is the short version of rule, as simple as possible. I hope you won't face down my work.

sobota, 16 marca 2013

Art in exile.

Facing the wind as they fly throught the skies,
Shadowes of Mordor balck horses they fly,
Black shadow king find the ring!

I wana tell you abot writing novels. I think we can say that it is art in exile. The reading is desappearing, but new novels are still written.
So, let the art of reading endure that no-book gap!
Let's read and write!
In next posts I 'll post pices of my creation.


NOW, I can finaly post from my mobile!

Music of non-real

this time I wanna tell about music.
General, I like classic creator's music fe. Mozart's, abu I really love one band: SABATON.
Subjeckts, they sing abuot, itrests me. They sing abot history: great battels, events, kings and war campaigs.
There is also few songs, that sinf of unreal event fe. Shadows.
Really nice band!
I recomend!